The Joe Andruzzi Foundation (JAF) is a non-profit organization committed to providing help, hope, and a reason to smile, for New England cancer patients. JAF helps alleviate financial and emotional stress by providing grants to assist with rent/mortgage payments, utilities, and other household expenses.
I regularly contract with JAF to help format documents, create social media posts and lots of other odds and ends. I actually branded an event called "Hop Over" for them which you can check out here: The Hop Over Series
A big part of my work with JAF is to be able to illustrate and turn projects around at a quick pace. Below are some animated email blast headers, a few social media deliverables as well as a banner for the online store.

Document Formatting
During the pandemic a big spike of business for designers was wayfinding and sign design. With all the new rules and regulations it was important to create clear signs that used iconography to allow the message to be understood across language barriers.