The Holiday Hop Over Series is an annual run of 2-3 events all taking place at different breweries. There you have a chance to donated to the Joe Andruzzi Foundation, get drink to help the fight against cancer and purchase special event merchandise. The events main purpose is to get young professionalsĀ from the age of 21 - 40 to attendĀ and start connections with charities like JAF.
In 2021 I was asked to do the branding for the Hop Over Series and was given full control and liberty by JAF. The outcome was each event generating just under $10,000 and leading to a 5% increase in donators that year.
I have done more work with JAF which can be seen here
Moodboard and Drafts
Creating a theme for the events started with a moodboard of inspirations. I wanted to pull from Oktober Fest styles while also staying modern and young. Also the ideas was to stay festive for the winter holidays the events take place around.

Use a small poll of my friends and coworkers I found that the middle of the moodboards presented the strongest visual language. The drafts that would follow would show use of some detailed illustrations as well as the Hop Over Logo integrated in

Final Outcomes
As the logo will be used strictly in digital, I decided to use a few of the illustrations together to create a unique artistic branding. A suite of social media posts as well as website banners were made with the final outcomes.

Event T-Shirts